Firecracker Express
Date(s) - 07/04/2020
Time: - 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Verde Canyon Railroad
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Cities and towns from sea to shining sea savor the Fourth of July holiday as a salute to America’s roots and a chance to wave the Stars and Stripes. Verde Canyon Railroad kicks off the festivities with an all-American barbecue at the railroad depot on Saturday, July 4th prior to the 1:00 p.m. train departure of the Firecracker Express. Our nation’s symbol, the bald eagle, leads the route, its visage adorning mighty mid-century American-built locomotives. The painted eagles will share the day with a real live version here at the depot. The Verde Canyon Railroad proudly welcomes a rescued, educational eagle from Liberty Wildlife. Our nation’s symbol will visit with all guests at the depot from 11:00am prior to the train’s 1:00pm departure, and volunteers will share her story, information about Arizona raptors and some great photo ops!
Arrive in Clarkdale early to enjoy the town’s well-known old-fashioned 4th of July celebration, beginning at 7:00am with the Fire Department’s pancake breakfast in the historic park, followed by the children’s parade down Main Street at 9:00am, rides in the vintage firetruck and rousing patriotic tunes from the Cottonwood Community Band. At 11:00am, head down to the Verde Canyon Railroad depot to visit with a Bald Eagle from Liberty Wildlife and enjoy a holiday barbecue luncheon on the shaded patio prior to the train’s 1:00pm departure. Savor a railroad adventure into scenic Arizona wilderness, led by the train’s famous eagle-painted vintage locomotives.
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Stick around the Verde Valley past sunset for the evening’s fireworks display at the Verde Valley Fairgrounds in Cottonwood, visible throughout the entire valley.
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